Ponpes An-Nawawi Berjan
Boarding school located in the village Gintungan, District Gebang, Purworejo regency, Central Java was founded by Al Marhum Al Maghfurlah KH. Zarkasyi with the name "Mafatihul 'Ulum" was founded in 1870 M.KH. Zarkasyi is the son of Ky.Asnawi and Paste Dike was born in the village, Sidomulyo Purworejo. He received his religious education from his parents since childhood, and adulthood after he went to study in East Java pesantren Bangil.
After years - years of deepening the knowledge in a variety of boarding school, then he settled in the village of Dunglo, Baledono, Purworejo. Then the Shaykh Sholeh Army recommended to establish a mosque in Hamlet Berjan to provide two pieces of red bricks. And from that moment that stands a mosque which gradually evolved into a boarding school until recently.
Then in around 1960, this pesantren Pondok renamed "Maftahul Ulum" with the approval of the caregiver (KH. Nawawi). In 1965, when the leadership was continued by KH. Nawawi, son of KH. Shiddieq bin KH. Zarkasyi, the name of the boarding school was replaced with the name "Roudlotut Thullab" which means or Student Park Student Park, and later on January 7, 1996, to coincide with the 16th of Ramadhan 1416 H, again changed to "An - Nawawi" as we know it today.
An-Nawawi Ponpes now led or taken care of by KH.Chalwani, Son KH Nawawi Caregivers Ponpes dai before. KH Chalwani raised and educated from a boarding school to boarding school
others, as it also get a formal education provision.
Boarding school - boarding school, among others:
A. Boarding Al Munawwir Krapyak Yogyakarta.
2. Boarding Hidayatul Mubtadi'in Lirboyo Kediri, and
3. Boarding School - Boarding School Other.
At this developmental msa KHChalwani kepemimpina boarding an-Nawawi rapidly growing and increasingly popular fame everywhere, it is proved by the increasing number of students who come for the mole who came from various regions, both from within and outside Java island Java island and there are even who come from abroad, such as high head holder malaysia.Sebagai Boarding School, KH. Achmad Chalwani well aware that a big goal, noble begun by his predecessors, is a mandate that must be nurtured and developed, and an endeavor to increase in line with the times by not leaving a characteristic salafiyahnya boarding. It is intended that the existence of boarding school and its role in the present and future will be able to do more and can provide a greater contribution to the promotion of the dignity of life around it. Besides various regions minus shipping preachers, majlis gatherings and various selapanan always continue to be performed and developed.
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